How it started:
Since the start of this concept in november 2014, I have photographed and documented over 70 families in Moscow, London, Geneva, Hong Kong, New York City and The Netherlands. Their primary wish is to have a current documentation of their life and to be able to show their children at a later stage how their life used to be when they were small(er). To relive forgotten memories and/or confirm certain images of that life during that space in time. What seems normal or daily routine today, can become something you will cherish most later on in life. My job is to get those images, to document those situations to last a life-time and hopefully the generation thereafter.

In approx. 3 days – of which at least 1 weekendday – I will photograph everyday situations, recognisable and representative for the family’s life. During the days with the family I will be working from early morning till evening and document all sorts of situations and rituals. From breakfast till after dinner activities and everyone involved in and around the family’s life. This can include school, office, extra curricular activities, quality time in the weekend etc. I will make myself available for the full day and evening.

How do I work:
In my photos I like to capture the interaction or energy flow between individuals framed in a broader setting of the immidiate surroundings. I always aim to tell a story through my photos. Although I will also do staged portrets I will mostly try to be as invisible as possible while staying
with the family as to shoot family life in it’s most authentic way. Let life flow as is meant without interference. I believe that’s how you get the best and most authentic shots.

Final Products:
Upon finishing I’ll start editing the photos. Out of all the photos, only the best ones will be selected. This selection gets a carefull editing with colourcorrections, adjustments in white-balance, cropping, contrast and possibly adjusting the photographs from colour to black and white. After I
am fully satisfied with the results you will receive:
- a printed photo-art book with the best of the selected photos.
- you will also receive the photos digitally in high resolution on a USBstick, including those that didn’t make the book. Additional photo-art books can be ordered against costprice.

Apart from it being a very original gift to yourself, family, colleague or friend, these photographs will enrich your memories at a later stage in life.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.

Anywhere in the world.
Respecting the privacy of the families I can only publish certain images online.

1 Comment

  1. Annette
    oktober 19, 2017

    Hi, I am interested in the Your Life Photographed book.
    Please email me your prices/packages for this.
    Thank you,


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